FoodiemondayBlogHop-It seems like yesterday when I came across a Group of Bloggers on Google + sharing their delicious food based on a particular theme on every Monday and here I am writing my 100th Foodie Monday Blogpost. This journey of mine started 2 yrs back in August 2015 , when I was very new to blogging. Though there were a lot of bloggers before us but many of them had created a boundary around them and breaking the ice was so difficult. I did contact a few groups to join them in blogging but the response was so negative.
During such time I came across a blogpost on FoodiemondayBlogHop and out of curiosity, I sent a mail to them expressing my desire to join and I was welcomed with open arms into this group which had only 3 members, two of them had left the BlogHop since long but one of them is still here to share the space with me and we had developed a relationship beyond the boundaries of blogging though till now we are yet to met in person. She is Waagmi Soni from Cookingisfunn.
This FoodiemondayBlogHop has brought a lot of recognition to me both as a blogger and as a photographer.Many of the recipes which I have developed for our BlogHop has won many prizes for me which keeps me motivated to pursue my dream.During this journey , I became friends with many bloggers like Rupal and Nisa, Sujata, Preethi, Saswati, Mayuri, Kriti and Pushpita who have influenced me growing as a blogger and have become part of my every daylife.
Since I joined this group, I have received several queries from new bloggers inquiring on what exactly a Blog Hop is and what we do on every Monday. Even before joining, I had the same questions and thought it would be a good idea to discuss exactly what it is, how it works and what the purpose is.The purpose of this FoodieMonday Bloghop is to express and share our passion for food with fellow bloggers on a theme ingredient and reveal it on the said date. By doing this one gets to learn new techniques and explore different cuisines and the habit of blogging becomes natural. Blog hops allow you to visit other blogs, follow blogs you like, and gain followers.What attracted me is the passion of these bloggers to come up with new theme and cook accordingly despite their busy schedules. You can see some of the theme based cooking here.
Another incentive that I’ve seen from this blog hop is that all our posts that are shared on social media in one way or another (tweeted, pinned, etc )have got maximum exposure. There are many people out there who can identify with you on what you’re feeling and writing about and it’s a great way to connect with like minds. The best thing about my journey here is discipline, self improvement and commitment, which are three pillars of Blogging.
As we are entering into 2nd chapter of our Foodie Monday BlogHop, I would like to welcome the new members, Poonam, Amrita, Aruna,Veena,Priya and Mallika into the group.Thank you everyone of Foodie Monday BlogHop for your wonderful Contributions and making me realize my passion for experimenting with food and enjoying it on every Monday.
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